About Us
We believe that children should be respected for who and what they are. We wish to promote self-awareness, independence, self-discipline and self-esteem, a sense of community and of one’s place in the world. We will respect each child’s individuality, spirituality, ethnic background and culture. We believe that all children deserve an education in a quality setting, including those who need extra attention.
Dr. Maria Montessori knew that the greatest work of the child is the creation of the adult he or she is to become. Therefore, the goal of her work was to create an environment that promoted independence, a sense of responsibility for oneself and one’s environment, and respect for one’s friends and classmates.
She understood that the child is not an empty vessel waiting to be filled with adult input; rather, the child is in a constant state of active creation, using the unique materials of the environment to perfect the senses, the muscular abilities and one understands of the world.
Grounded in this understanding, we see our task as guiding the child through a period of self-discovery and self-determination. Through careful observation of the child’s interaction with the materials in the environment, the directress can lead the child to materials that meet the developmental need of that moment.
Each child is free to work at his/her own pace, and progress through the materials is never forced. Observations of a child’s activities are made on a continuous basis so that new material can be introduced when the child is ready.
In addition to this individual work, we establish early on the social standards that guide behaviours in the classroom. These standards govern behaviour in any social setting. As a result, the child is offered the opportunity to develop an understanding of which behaviours are socially acceptable, and which are not.
Courtesy and respect are an important part of the classroom atmosphere. The prepared environment, the materials and the directresses form a holistic framework within which children develop social skills and acquire knowledge at their own pace. The habits and skills a child acquires at Global Montessori are life-long. The most important of these are the thirst for knowledge, the development of social skills, and the pursuit of one’s personal best.
Definition: The word “discipline” is derived from the word disciple. It describes the teaching/learning process by which children develop socially acceptable and appropriate behaviour as they grow to maturity.
Discipline is something that the adults do with, and for children; rather than to children to stop them from behaving in undesirable ways. Its intention is to help children become self – disciplined as they learn appropriate and acceptable behaviour patterns. Discipline involves a continuous process of guiding behaviour and is offered while appropriate behaviour is occurring, as well as before, during and after inappropriate behaviour is displayed.
Prevention Strategies:
Establish clear, consistent and simple limits
Reinforcing appropriate behaviour
Offer straightforward explanations for limits
Ignore minor incidents
State limits in positive way, rather than a negative way
Provide choices
Focus on the behaviour, rather than on the child
Intervention Strategies
Problem solve
Reminder of rules
Acknowledge feelings
Offer appropriate choices
Use natural and logical consequences
Using proximity and touch
Negative forms of punishment will NOT be used under any circumstances.
No child will be:
Subjected to shoving, hitting, shaking, spanking or any other form of corporal punishment
Subject to harsh, belittling or degrading treatment, whether verbal, emotional or physical, that would humiliate the child or undermine the child’s self-respect.
As a form of punishment, confined, physically restrained or kept, without adult supervision, apart from other children,
As a form of punishment, deprived of meals, snacks, rest or necessary use of a toilet.